Do you still have old home movies on video cassettes stored in the loft? I did but now I have them stored safely on my computer, I’m able to watch them on my TV or Phone or Tablet. It’s lovely to share them too with family and friends.

I’ve managed to renovate some old VCRs from clearances, Facebook and eBay to repair and make use of in copying old recordings onto computer files before age related degradation makes the old tapes unplayable. It was wonderful to be able to show my family the video of my wife’s first balloon flight, a family wedding back in the late 80s and our grandchildren’s visit to a castle when they were young. I’ve shared them via the web and also created compilation DVD copies for them to keep and treasure.

Repairing these old bits of kit has given me great joy and pride in being able to bring them back to life once more. Finding spare parts has often been very difficult, sometimes having to buy several broken devices in order to make one good one out of them. So far, I have repaired several VHS machines, a Video 8 camcorder and a Mini DV camcorder, now all working perfectly. I’m currently working on a couple of SONY Betamax VCRs and a Philips V2000 machine, both of which I have old recordings made on these systems that I’m eager to play once again. Another oldie I’m looking forward to get working again is the Philips N1700 VCR. This was the first recorder I ever learnt how to repair and remember once repairing one that belonged to comedian and compere Ted Rogers of “321” fame. He was so grateful, he gave me two big tips, one financial and the other I can’t reveal in public.  

To copy Video content onto computer, I’ve built a specialist transfer workstation, using top quality video and sound capture cards, together with a top of the range video editing software package as used in major film production houses, to stitch the files together, correct for poor quality recordings and to compile into catalogues for the DVDs. It’s a hobby that keeps me busy in the long dark evenings.

If you have an old video tape with a precious recording on it you’d like to rescue and be transferred to digital format, feel free to get in touch and I’ll be happy to help by capturing the recording into digital format that can be played on Smart TVs, Phones, Computers or just shared via the web.

I've recently invested in a digital film scanner for 8mm and Super 8mm films and have begun transferring some old home movies to digital format. Again, the editing software is used to improve the image quality and colour and to ensure the frame rate is set correctly to that of the original film camera, so movement is accurately reproduced.

I make a small charge for the copy and can provide a memory stick with the data file on it, typically, a 3hour VHS recording takes up 30GB with minimal compression. I also offer safe storage on an isolated drive for up to two years.

I can also work some wonders using professional video editing software, which can improve the recordings, remove drop-outs and electronically widen old square (4:3) format recordings up to widescreen (16:9), using an anamorphic stretching filter, so the image is wider but the people in it are not, it's a bit complicated but it's a process that's been used by the film industry for years to widen square framed films into widescreen films.

If you have a home movie, perhaps a Wedding or Birthday Celebration, captured on lots of different formats, phones, cameras, camcorders, I can stitch them together, add some nice transitions, titles and credits, even some special effects, to produce a DVD or Blue Ray disk that can be shared with family and friends. 

So if I can help with any of this, please do get in touch via the contact form CLICK HERE and I'll advise what I can do for you.

Here are some examples of transfers I have done.