The INTERSPEC was a BUS Expansion system for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. It enables the user to have both Digital and Analogue Input and Output ports for the Speccy.
I used mine to control Meccano Models and other displays and in my retirement hope to resurrect the hobby. The Speccy has been dusted off, repaired and working once more. I dug out the INTERSPEC and then discovered I had lost the instructions on how to use it. I searched and searched and found a few references to it, plus some pictures which included a magazine review. This had some basic operational information in it which allowed me to test the INTERSPEC and it worked OK.
I found the following page showing a picture of an archive copy of the instructions. I contacted them and they kindly sent me a scan of it. Next, I spent some time OCRing the scan into a WORD document, redrew the basic diagrams as the scan quality was not good enough. Editing, correcting, bookmaking and finally creating a full manual with photos. So here it is:- RECREATED MANUAL
If you find this manual useful, please do let me know.
I'm ging to produce a series of videos showing the testing and use of the INTERSPEC and maybe even adding extra peripherals / connectivity.
Here's my introductory video of me checking and testing the INTERSPEC.