This old Music Centre came in with three faults:
1. The Radio does not work
2. The Cassette Deck does not work
3. The Turntable does not work
The unit was disassembled and the radio fault was traced to a lack of supply the the main radio IC. The fusible resistor feeding the chip had failed. Replacing this restored radio operation. The Cassette deck was simpler, just a replacement main capstan drive belt and a good clean. The Turntable problem was that the auto return / tone arm landing mechanism was jamming and the gears on the main cam were continually crunching. Despite cleaning and lubricating the levers and pivots, which were coated with dried up grase, the fault remained and a small piece of plastic was found floating but it's original location could not be found. After spending many hours, I had to give up on that part of the repair.
I replaced some of the indicator lamps and tested the unit for full functionality.