This old 1980s beastie of a Midi System came in with one major and several minor faults.

The latter being the cassette deck needed servicing, the doors would not open properly, the slider controls were very noisy and the CD tray would not always open correctly but CDs would play. The main fault was that the Right Hand channel was distorted. This turned out to be the output IC an STK4532 combined power output chip, replacing that fixed the fault.

The other minor faults were all addressed by replacing worn drive belts in the decks and on the CD tray and also the Turntable belt for good measure. The sliders were cleaned once I dismantled the front PCB from the plastics.

I did film all this but the video would have been over three hours long so I decided to concentrate on just the main sound fault for this video.

Amazingly, the CD deck worked quite well for a 40 year old first generation deck, but it would not play any home recorded CDs, not surprising really.