This vintage Tuner Amp from Pioneer was made in the 1970s and was a very popular unit. Comprising of AM/FM Stereo Tuner, Amplifier with TAPE, PHONE and Auxilliary inputs, it was put to good use for many years until the FM Tuner part failed. The customer stored it away and bought a newer mini hi-fi. Having a clear out, he brought this to me for renovation and sale on e-bay. Having repaired a few of these before, I discovered the FM front end mixer amplifier transistor had failed, going open-circuit. Fitting a more modern replacement transistor brought the FM back to life. I had also to replace the failed STEREO indicator bulb. I checked the electrolytics and found the ones in the power supply circuitry were leaking so replaced them with new. The rest of the unit checked out A-OK so I put it for sale on e-bay where it went very quickly. The service manual for this unit did not describe the means of replacing the bulbs so I wasted a fair bit of time removing the front panel in an attempt to get at the bulbs, then discovered two screws were holding in the metal lamp holder behind the front tuning scale, removing these gave me full access. I've left that part in the video in case it helps anyone wishing to take that part off, but speeded it up.